DTSC Reviews 3 year plan

TONIGHT at 5:30pm

Help us put the heat on the #DTSC and call for Meredith Williams and Grant Cope's resignation. Register here to join: https://bit.ly/2Qyeyvb

Talking Points:

  1. Partnership with the community means actual listening and keeping promises. Comments from the community without any real changes to the process is useless and a waste of our time.

  2. Environmental Justice means the most comprehensive cleanups to protect human health- but instead the DTSC panders to politicians, polluters and developers. At the SSFL the DTSC is considering NASA's proposal to leave up to 95% of the contamination on site and supports NASA then giving the contaminated land to the local indigenous people.

  3. Polluters and DTSC staff should be penalized missing deadlines, falsifying, or approving false reports, or for acting unethically. Without fines serious consequences, "high performing programs and services" is just talk.

  4. For DTSC to be a healthy, functioning government agency, Meredith Williams and Grant Cope should resign immediately and there should be consequences for staff who repeatedly fail to meet the mission statement of the DTSC. There must be accountability.

  5. Transparent fiscal practices doesn't matter if the whole process isn't transparent. Getting reliable funding sources should include making polluters follow through on their financial obligations.

Parents vs SSFL

Parents living within miles of one of America’s worst nuclear accidents, the Santa Susana Field Lab, are demanding the full remediation of the site to protect their children from exposure to the lab’s contamination.


Boeing's $1M Greenwashing Campaign


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