For more documents, please visit the DTSC’s SSFL Document Library

Biological and Cultural

Biological and Cultural
Document Title/LinkDocument TypeAuthorYearTopicNotes
NASA’s Wildlife InventoryWebsiteNASA2011Wildlife Survey of animals at SSFL
Boeing: Large Home Range Receptor Ecological Risk Assessment ReportReportBoeing2020Biological Impacts
DOE Biological AssessmentReportDOE2018Wildlife Survey of wildlife at SSFL
US Fish and Wildlife Biological Opinion for the SSFL Appendix JReportUS Fish and Wildlife2018Biological ImpactsInfluenced by DOE, contradicts itself in reccomendations
DTSC: Draft PEIRPEIRDTSC2017Biological ImpactsBiological Resources start on PDF Page 343
Land IQ: Measures To Mitigate Impacts To Braunton’s Milk-Vetch And Santa Susana Tarplant Related To Soil Cleanup In SSFL Area IV And NBZReportLand IQ/Boeing2017Biological ImpactsConsulted for Boeing
NASA: Appendix 3.2B Endangered Species Act Section 7 Biological AssessmentAppendixNASA2013Biological Impacts
US FWS Comments on Santa Susana Field Laboratory Group 9 Remedial investigationLetterUS Fish and Wildlife2011Biological Impacts
Uranium and arsenic unregulated water issues on Navajo landsStudyDr. Tommy Rock2020EnviroJusticeContamination impact on Indigenous People
National Town Hall Calls Attention to Uranium Mill Near Bears EarsNews Grand Canyon Trust2021EnviroJusticeMining Company impacting Ute Tribe
Grand Canyon Trust: Native Perspectives on Uranium and Community HealthVideoGrand Canyon Trust2020EnviroJusticeInterviewing Indigenous people impacted by contamination
The Assessment of Radiation Exposures in Native American Communities from Nuclear Weapons Testing in NevadaStudySociety for Risk Analysis2000EnviroJusticeResults of nuclear weapon testing


Document Title/LinkDocument TypeAuthorYearTopicNotes
Consent Order for Corrective ActionLegal DocumentCalEPA2007Cleanup AgreementOriginal Cleanup Agreement to "Background"
DOE Final Environmental Impact StatementTechnical DocumentDept. Energy2019Cleanup RelatedBreaks both NEPA and RICRA for not allowing residents to comment on the statement
DTSC-Boeing Settlement Agreement (Final)Legal DocumentCalEPA/Boeing2022Cleanup AgreementBreaks all prior cleanup agreements
Final PEIR CertificationLegal DocumentCalEPA2023Cleanup AgreementBreaks all prior cleanup agreements
Motion 19-0145Legal MotionCity of Los Angeles2019Legal RelatedMotion to retain an outside law firm, to sue if the DTSC should fail to enforce the SSFL cleanup.
Motion by Sheila Kuehl and Kathleen Barger May 2022Legal MotionLA Board of Supervisors2022Legal RelatedMotion to explore legal actions
MOU AGREEMENTLegal DocumentBoeing/LARWQCB2022Cleanup AgreementGroundwater
NASA Draft Supplemental Enviornmental Impact StatementTechnical DocumentNASA2019Cleanup RelatedNASA lauds Option C to leave nearly all contamination behind
SRAM 2 Attachment 1 - Ecological Effects Characterization Updates Technical MemorandumTechnical DocumentDTSC2015Cleanup RelatedList of Contamination at SSFL
Two Mile Testing RequirementsLegal MotionVC Board of Supervisors, Ventura County2004Cleanup Related
Boeing Company v. Raphael (SB990)Legal DocumentCourt of Appeals for the 9th Circut2013Legal RelatedSB990
Amicus curiae brief in favor of SB990Legal DocumentMr. Selmi, Esq2013Legal RelatedSB990
Senate Bill 990 Technical Memorandum Implementation Final Draft ReportTechnical DocumentBoeing2008Cleanup RelatedSB990
California Senate Bill SB990LegislationSenator Kuehl2007Cleanup RelatedSB990
Ventura County weighs legal action in cleanup of Boeing-owned former nuclear test siteNews Ventura County Star2022Legal RelatedMotion to explore legal actions

Comment Letters

Comment Letters, Watchdog Reports
Document Title/LinkDocument TypeAuthorYearTopicNotes
Appendix A Secret Negotiations Between CalEPA & Boeing to Breach Cleanup Obligations for the Santa Susana Field LaboratoryComment LeterCBG Committe to Bridge the Gap2022Cleanup RelatedMOU/Settlement Agreement
Appendix B Summary Critique of Deal With Boeing to Weaken SSFL Cleanup RequirementsComment LetterCBG Committe to Bridge the Gap2022Cleanup RelatedMOU/Settlement Agreement
Appendix C Years of Inaction and Broken Promises in Meeting Cleanup Obligations Result in Imminent Endangerment of the Public and EnvironmentComment LetterCBG Committe to Bridge the Gap2022Cleanup RelatedMOU/Settlement Agreement
Calling for Accountability at the Santa Susana Field Lab Comment LetterHeal the Bay2022Cleanup RelatedMOU
Comments on Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Soil Cleanup Activities at Santa Susana Field LaboratoryComment LetterNRDC/CBG/PSRLA2020Cleanup RelatedRegarding NASA's Draft Supplemental EIS
Proposed Memorandum of Understanding Between the Boeing Company and the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board Regarding the Contaminated Santa Susana Field LaboratoryComment LetterCBG Committe to Bridge the Gap2022Cleanup RelatedMOU/Settlement Agreement
Inside Job: How Boeing Fixers Captured Regulators and Derailed a Nuclear and Chemical Cleanup in LA's BackyardReportConsumer Watchdog2014Government Corruption


Document Title/LinkDocument TypeAuthorYearTopicNotes
Analysis of the Design and Performance of the Clay Cap Used to Control Groundwater Recharge into the Fractured Bedrock Beneath the Former Sodium Burn Pit (FSDF) at the Boeing-Rocketdyne Santa Susana Field LaboratoryReportCalEPA/Dr.Bianchi2006WaterClay cap not feasable
Assessment of Potential Pathways for Release of Gaseous Radioactivity Following Fuel Damage During Run 14 at the Sodium Reactor ExperimentStudy Dr. Lochbaum2006RadioactiveSRE Meltdown
Current Sites with Radioactive Waste from SSFLMapConsumer Watchdog2013RadioactiveLowRad Waste from SSFL shipped to other communities
Forever chemicals at former NASA lab are leaking into LA River, say watchdogs.NewsThe Guardian2023WaterPCBS and PFAS in LA River may be from SSFL
General Reactor Site SurveyReportNorth American Aviation1949Site History
Geologic Features and their Potential Effects on Contaminant Migration, Santa Susana Field LaboratoryReportCalEPA/Dr. Wilshire2006GeologyStudies how groundwater is impacted by the SSFL's geology
Happy Valley Interim MeasuresReportDTSC2003ChemicalChemical Study
Historical Site Assessment of Area IV of Santa Susana Field LabStudy Boeing2005Radioactive
Memo Regarding TCEMemoDTSC2010WaterTCE
Migration of SSFL Perchlorate Contamination OffsiteReportCalEPA/Dr. Tabidian2006WaterFunded by California Legislation
NASA's Reported Financial Liabilities Have Grown, and Several Factors Contribute to Future UncertaintiesReportUS GAO2021Cleanup RelatedNASA PFAS
Offsite Site Evaluation ReportReportDTSC2007Offsite Contamination
Potential for Offsite Exposures Associated with Santa Susana Field Laboratory, Ventura County, CaliforniaStudy UCLA2006Offsite Contamination
Potential for Offsite Exposures PresentationPresentationLouisiana State University2014Offsite ContaminationAreas surrounding SSFL at high-risk of exposure
Preliminary Assessment – Site Inspection ReportReportEPA2007Site HistoryComprehensive list of pollutants
Radioactive Contamination of Water at the Santa Susana Field LaboratoryPresentationCBG Committe to Bridge the Gap2006WaterTritium
Radioactive Microparticles related to the Woolsey Fire in Simi ValleyStudy Dr. Kaltofen, Fairwinds Energy Education2021Radioactive
Radiological Background StudyStudy EPA2012RadioactiveSets "Background" levels for SSFL
Radiological Study: Background AppendixStudy US EPA2012Radioactive
Radiological SurveySurveyEPA2012RadioactiveSite Survey
Report of Results Phase 1 of Northeast Investigation Area Groundwater CharacterizationReportBoeing2004WaterGroundwater
Site Description: Santa Susana Field Lab: Proposed Corrections to the Area IVReportCORE Advocacy for Nuclear & Aerospace Workers 2016Site HistoryPresented to NIOSH / ABRWH
SRAM 2 Attachment 1 - Ecological Effects Characterization Updates Technical MemorandumTechnical DocumentDTSC2015Cleanup RelatedList of Contamination at SSFL
SSFL Demolition and Disposal StudyStudy CBG Committe to Bridge the Gap2013RadioactiveLowRad Waste from SSFL shipped to other communities
SSFL Groundwater InvestigationPresentationDTSC2007WaterGroundwater
SSFL Historical Volume – Area 1 Burn PitReportN.S. Fukikawa1981RadioactiveBurn Pit
System for Nuclear Auxiliary Power (SNAP) Reactor ETECWeb PageDept. EnergyCurrentRadioactiveHistory of SNAP
Tenative Boeing NPDES PermitPermitLARWQCB Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board2021WaterSurface water
Tritium Production and Releases to Groundwater at SSFL Safety ReportStudy US EPA1992WaterGroundwater
Work Plan Phase 2 Groundwater Site Conceptual ModelReportBoeing, NASA, Dept Energy2007WaterGroundwater
Woolsey Fire Crippled Boeing Water Safety Systems at Toxic SiteNewsNBC4 Los Angeles2019WaterNPDES violations after Woosey Fire


Data, Reports
Document Title/LinkDocument TypeAuthorYearTopicNotes
VCAPCD Permit Emissions DataReportVentura County Air Quality Control Distric1993Air QualityLists Burn Pit chemicals


Document Title/LinkDocument TypeAuthorYearTopicNotes
Boeing makes environmental play in Agoura HillsNewsAcorn2022GreenwashingOverpass donation
Boeing Donates $1 Million to Wallis Annenberg Wildlife CrossingWebpageNational Wildlife Federation2022GreenwashingOverpass donation


Document Title/LinkDocument TypeAuthorYearTopicNotes
California Breast Cancer Mapping ProjectStudy CA Breast Cancer Mapping Project2012Health ImpactsInvasive Breast Cancer 10-20% higher in area surrounding SSFL
Cancer Incidence in the Community Surrounding the Rocketdyne Facility in Southern California Study University of Michigan School of Public Health 2007Health Impacts60% higher cancer incidence rates for residents 2 miles compared to 5 miles
RCRA Facility Investigation Data Summary and Findings Report Systems Test Laboratory IV RFI Site (Draft) ReportBoeing2015Health Impacts96 out of 100 would get cancer
Report of the Advisory Panel summarizing the worker chemical studyReportUCLA Advisory Panel2006Health ImpactsReview of Chemical Worker Study
Rocketdyne Workers Chemical StudyStudy UCLA1999Health ImpactsChemical Worker Study
Rocketdyne Workers Radiation StudyStudy UCLA1997Health ImpactsRadiation Worker Study
SSFL Pediatric Cancer FindingsReportPASSFL Parents Against Santa Susana Field Lab2017Health ImpactsSelf-reported map and findings about pediatric cancer near SSFL
Feasibility of Developing Exposure Markers for use in Epidemiologic Studies of Radioactive Emissions from the Santa Susana Field LaboratoryStudy CalEPA/Dr. Beyea2006Health ImpactsDeveloping epidimiological study


Site History, Worker Testimonies, Community, Etc
Document Title/LinkDocument TypeAuthorYearTopicNotes
A Loss of InnocenceBiographyDawn Kowalski, Marie Mason, Holly Huff, Barbara Johnson2006HistoricPersonal Stories of Involvement
Payout Ends 8-Year Field Lab BattleNews ArticleLA Times2006Class Action LawsuitCommunity sues Boeing
A Young Patient Shares Her Medical Journey With a DollVideoCHLA Childrens Hospital Los Angeles2015Pediatric CancerGrace Bumstead's story
2 Scientists Face Trial in Rocketdyne ExplosionNews ArticleLA Times2001HistoricalRocketdyne paid a $600,000 fine for burning scrap metal


Document Title/LinkDocument TypeAuthorYearTopicNotes
Activists mark 65 years since partial meltdown at Santa Susana Field LabArticleLA Daily News2024History
Californians must step up pressure to ensure a full cleanup of toxic Santa Susana labOpEdCalMatters2024Cleanup
Citizens turn up heat on radiation-troubled field labArticleAcorn News2024Cleanup
Grassroots group campaigns for Simi toxic site cleanupArticleOjai Valley News2024Event
It works when we work togetherOpEdSimi Acorn2024Opinion
LA's Nuclear Secret: Camp Cover-UpVideo NBC42015Offsite
Rocketdyne Settles Ground Water LawsuitArticleLA Times1997Water
Santa Susana protestArticleLAist2024Event
Time to clean up toxic messOpEdLA Daily News2024Opinion

Other studies

Other Toxic Sites, Studies not Specific to SSFL
Document Title/LinkDocument TypeAuthorYearTopicNotes
Absorbed Dose Rates and Biological Consequences Of Discrete Alpha-Emitting Particles Embedded in TissueStudyDr. Kaltofen2024Health ImpactsRadiation impacts on human: Not specific to SSFL
Dirty Secrets of Nuclear Power in an Era of Climate ChangeBookAaron Datesman2024Other Toxic SitesNuclear Energy
Gender and Radiation ImpactWebsiteMary OlsonCurrentHealth ImpactsRadiation impacts on humans: Not specific to SSFL
Superfund sites with PFAS contaminationWeb PageUS EPACurrentPFASPFAS
Golden Wasteland: Regulating Toxics or Toxic RegulationStudyConsumer Watchdog2014DTSC Reform
EPA: ‘Forever chemicals’ pose risk even at very low levelsWeb PageEPA2022PFAS