Thursday, June 11, 2020 | 6:00 PM 8:00 PM | ONLINE & DIAL IN
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Public Comments: The public will be able to email questions during the meeting, which will be answered live.
Why it matters: The Radioactive Materials Handling Facility (RMHF) complex is located in Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Lab, where the Department of Energy (DOE) is responsible for the cleanup. Executive Order N-05-19, an agreement between California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) and the DOE, allows for the immediate removal of 10 buildings at the site, to mitigate potential risk from wildfires at SSFL.
PROS: Debris from all 10 buildings will be transported out of state to an authorized low-level radioactive waste facility for disposal. Demolition and removal of the building debris will be done under the requirements of the 2010 Administrative Orders on Consent (AOC), which governs the entire cleanup of the SSFL.
CONS: It's the soil that's highly contaminated, but this order won't remediate the soil at all. The DOE declared they wouldn't follow the 2010-AOC cleanup agreements, which require them to clean up the soil to background levels of contamination. The soil is an even bigger risk than the buildings. We must demand that the DOE recommit itself to all of the requirements in the AOC agreement. And that DTSC hold them to it. Otherwise this is simply another attempt to look busy while doing little.