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Protest West Hills Neighborhood Council's SSFL Presentation to the Public

Who is ready to stand up to the West Hills Neighborhood Council!? Their "Environmental Committee" is giving a presentation to the public on the Santa Susana Field Lab...but the WHN Council has opposed the full SSFL cleanup and has intentionally spread lies to the community that the site poses no risk to our families- for years! It's unacceptable! We'll be outside with posters and handing out flyers with ALL the facts. It's critical we let WHNC know that our community won't stand for it anymore, we need a council who wants to protect the health of the community over the wealth of some council members who are involved in outside groups who received funding from DOE, one of the site's polluters!! This Wednesday, December 11, from 6:45-7:15pm. Chaminade College Preparatory High School’s Condon Center (enter at the football field gate). 7500 Chaminade Ave, West Hills, CA 91304

Kids are welcome, please be sure to supervise that they stay on the sidewalk and not in the street or driveway. Get moment-to-moment updates at

*Important Note: Bonnie Klea and Margery Brown have stayed on the council in order to be a voice for the full cleanup and to protect our community. They have been bullied by the WHNC and Bonnie was censored for advocating for the 100% cleanup our community so desperately needs.

November 21


December 12

"NASA's SSFL Lies Debunked" Webinar