Join parents, residents, and environmental groups as we tell the Department of Energy to clean up all of their toxic waste at the Santa Susana Field Lab. They promised to return the site to its natural condition by 2017. It’s time they stop breaking promises and remove all their toxic waste, heavy metals, and long-lasting chemicals at the site to protect our environment, water, wildlife, and the people living nearby.
When/Cuando: Tuesday, March 18
Time/Tiempo: 5:00 - 6:00 PM
Where/Donde: Grand Vista Hotel, 999 Enchanted Way, Simi Valley, CA 93065
Join us for critical action to stop the Department of Energy from leaving toxic waste at the Santa Susana Field Lab (SSFL). After the Peaceful Protest, we will attend the Dept. of Energy’s meeting at the same location.
SSFL Overview
The Santa Susana Field Lab (SSFL), formerly known as Rocketdyne, was a Cold War-era testing facility located in the hills outside of Los Angeles. The SSFL was used for rocket engine tests for “America’s Race to Space,” beginning in 1949, and for experimental, top-secret nuclear work that began in 1953. The site was also used for rocket fuel, liquid metals, and chemical laser research.
The site’s complete “background” cleanup deadline of 2017 has come and passed without remediation and the SSFL remains one of California’s most toxic sites. Dangerous chemicals, toxic metals, and radionuclides continue to migrate into local communities through the wind, rain, and during wildfire events.
A federally-funded epidemiological study by the University of Michigan determined there was a direct correlation between how close residents lived to the SSFL and increased cancer rates. Rare illnesses and diseases have plagued community members for decades and are believed to be caused by the site’s 350 different contaminants of concern.
The SSFL’s Responsible Parties (the Boeing Company, which owns the majority of the site, NASA, and the Department of Energy) have gone to great lengths to break out of their cleanup agreements to leave most of the site polluted with dangerous amounts of contamination while claiming they are doing a “health-protective” cleanup that could result in 96 out of 100 people to get cancer if they lived on portions of the site and ate the produce grown there.
Parents Against SSFL was founded by mothers of children diagnosed with rare cancers and aims to protect nearby communities from exposure to the site’s toxic and carcinogenic contamination by advocating for the complete remediation of the Santa Susana Field Lab.
Emmy-nominated Documentary
In the Dark of the Valley
A Southern California mother discovers that the Santa Susana Field Lab, the site of one of the largest nuclear accidents in U.S. history, is located only four miles from her home. Concealed from the public eye for 20 years and never fully cleaned up, she grapples with the idea that the site may be responsible for exposing her daughter and community to cancer-causing radioactive waste.
SSFL studies
Some portions of the SSFL are so toxic that 96 out of 100 people would get cancer if they lived onsite and grew food.
Radioactive particles were found nine miles away from the SSFL after the Woolsey Fire which started at the lab.
Federally-funded study shows 60% higher cancer incidence rate for residents within 2 miles of the Santa Susana Field Lab.
Boeing Loses Lawsuit, Local Watersheds Protected!
PASSFL, working collaboratively with environmental NGOs (Heal the Bay, LA Waterkeepers, the Wishtoyo Chumash Foundation, PEER, and Physicians for Social Responsibility Los Angeles) has successfully helped protect the Los Angeles River and Ventura County’s Calleguas Creek Watershed.
Contact us
C/O Physicians for Social Responsibility - Los Angeles
617 S Olive St #220, Los Angeles, CA 90014
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Waste Disposal