OFfsite USA

across the US

There are many toxic and radioactive sites across California and America. PASSFL is in several state and national coalitions that have similar goals to protect their communities from harmful contamination.

Microdoses of radiation can cause harm

2024: Dr. Kaltofen, Phillip Plato: Absorbed dose rates and biological consequences of discrete alpha-emitting particles embedded in tissue

Radiobiological shot noise explains Three Mile Island cancers

2024: Aaron Datesman: Radiobiological shot noise explains Three Mile Island biodosimetry indicating nearly 1,000 mSv exposures

radiation exposure on women

2024: Mary Olson, Amanda M. Nichols: Gender and Ionizing Radiation: Towards a New Research Agenda Addressing Disproportionate Harm

New Nuclear Power: Expensive, Slow, and Inferior

2024: Aaron Datesman, Doug Brugge: Dirty Secrets of Nuclear Power in an Era of Climate Change