DTSC wants to use 1974 radioactive limits

August 30, 2018

DTSC Public Meeting: Closure Plans for the Radioactive Materials Handling Facility (RMHF) and Hazardous Waste Management Facility (HWMF)

The Radioactive Materials Handling Facility (RMHF) and the Hazardous Waste Management Facility (HWMF) were two of the most dangerous and contaminated buildings remaining at the Santa Susana Field Lab.

Dan Hirsch, president of Committee to Bridge the Gap and retired Director for UCSC’s Program for Nuclear and Environmental Policy, noticed a small sentence in a community notice prior to a DTSC public meeting about the Santa Susana Field Lab’s Radioactive Materials Handling Facility.

1974 Atomic Energy Commission’s Regulatory Guide 1.86

DTSC is violating their legal cleanup agreements (AOC) and are proposing to send the building debris (which has radioactive contamination above background) to waste and recycling facilities not licensed for low level radioactive waste. They did the same thing in 2013, even sending radioactive buildings to a school until they were sued and the building was removed. Clearly the DTSC has no regard for human health or protecting us from danger

If any scientists reading want to know, this is the link to the PBRG calculator that they should use, if they decide not to use the AOC "background" level. This calculator shows that the guide they're proposing to use is 1000xs higher than the EPA recommends. https://epa-bprg.ornl.gov/cgi-bin/bprg_search

Radioactive Material Handling Facility (RMHF) at the Santa Susana Field Lab before demolition.