Emmy-nominated documentary

A Southern California mother discovers that the Santa Susana Field Lab, the site of one of the largest nuclear accidents in U.S. history, is located only 4 miles from her home. Concealed from the public eye for 20 years and never fully cleaned up, she grapples with the idea that the site may be responsible for exposing her daughter and community to cancer-causing radioactive waste.

SSFL studies

Some portions of the SSFL are so toxic that 96 out of 100 people would get cancer if they lived onsite and grew food.

Radioactive particles were found nine miles away from the SSFL after the Woolsey Fire which started at the lab.

Federally-funded study shows 60% higher cancer incidence rate for residents within 2 miles of the Santa Susana Field Lab.

SSFL Overview

The Santa Susana Field Lab (SSFL), formerly known as Rocketdyne, was a Cold War-era testing facility located in the hills outside of Los Angeles. The SSFL was used for rocket engine tests for “America’s Race to Space,” beginning in 1949, and for experimental, top-secret nuclear work that began in 1953. The site was also used for rocket fuel, liquid metals, and chemical laser research.

The site’s cleanup deadline of 2017 has come and passed without remediation and the SSFL remains one of California’s most toxic sites. Dangerous chemicals, toxic metals, and radionuclides continue to migrate into local communities through the wind, rain, and during wildfire events.

The Boeing Company, which owns the majority of the site doesn’t want to pay for a complete cleanup and has entered a “Settlement Agreement” with the Department of Toxic Substances Control to leave up to 94% of the site contaminated permanently. NASA and the Department of Energy, who are also responsible for the cleanup of portions of the site, will leave up to 63% of their portion contaminated…unless residents fight back for a safe, smart, and complete cleanup of the site near their homes.

Citizen mapping project

Help us track cancers and diseases in our community that are known to be caused by contamination, like that found at the SSFL. Your personal information will stay completely confidential.

  • Heron flies over water


    Boeing has paid over $1M in fines for polluting local waterways, including the LA River and Callegua Creek Watershed.

  • Wildlife

    Many of the chemicals at the SSFL include now federally-banned pesticides that are known to harm wildlife.

  • Future

    The long-lasting contamination at the SSFL will harm future generations if we don’t act now.

  • Community

    Our community deserves to live in a healthy, clean environment without fear of toxic or radioactive fallout.

Contact us


C/O Physicians for Social Responsibility - Los Angeles
617 S Olive St #1100, Los Angeles, CA 90014